Friday, August 27, 2021

Day 5 Collaborate -Sites


It was another really busy day with lots to think and learn about.

Today's session emphasised on  one of the six learning goals of Manaiakalani  which is the 'VISIBLE' kaupapa - ‘Making teaching and learning visible’.

We focussed on the importance of making teaching and learning visible, accessible and available to our students, teachers and  whanau. What stood out for me was that having the teaching & learning  visible to our colleagues is a great way to learn from each other and share our ideas. Visible learning will lead to effective teaching and accelerated learning of our students.

Initially I found it tricky today when doing the group activity on a shared topic in which we had to individually create a google site.  It wasn't so much as the creation of a google site, but more in the, what should I have on my site that would hook the learners.

 I will endeavour to keep practicing using google sites as I know that it will benefit my learners and myself.

The Multi Modal Deep Dive session with Kerry was a bonus for me.  I got the opportunity to see

what other teachers had put onto their sites in terms of engagement - the hook'. 

The little you tube video of 'Dressing window challenge  - Mary Queen’ explained  the purpose & the importance of the websites.

We worked  in groups to create a Google Site from scratch. We moved between the Multi-Text Database, Jamboard and Google Sites , I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I feel that I can navigate around Google Sites quite well. 

One of the most important takeaways from today's session was the power of multi-modal sites. Multimodal learning is Empowering !

The Benefits of Multimodal Sites are :

  • Promote more interactivity.

  • Portray information in multiple ways.

  • Adapt projects to benefit different audiences.

  • Keep focus better since more senses are being used to process information.

  • Allow for more flexibility and creativity to present information.

I need to practice and see if I can improve my knowledge and understanding of some of the topics learnt thus far.

Whakatauki - learning to create and creating to learn


  1. I found today busy to Deepa, and enjoyed learning about sites and I agree spent time really thinking about how to hook the learner in. I wonder how we can use sites within our leadership roles?

  2. Kia ora Deepa, I look forward to seeing how you implement your multimodal learning. I love how the multimodal concept keeps the learner in the centre.
    Ngā mihi,

  3. Thanks Maria.Yes thats so true, the two words that stood out for me are Engaging & Empowering.
